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03 December 2020
Состоялось совместное заседание РГИП СИИ для обсуждения предложений иностранной стороны касательно декриминализации налоговых правонарушений и по совершенствованию таможенного законодательства РК

KFICA Board Chairman, Managing Partner for Kazakhstan and Central Asia, EY Erlan Dosymbekov held an online meeting of the FIC Investment Policy Working Group to discuss issues related to developed position of the Ministry of Finance on decriminalization of tax offences in pursuance of paragraph 111 of the National Plan for the implementation of President’s Address dated September 1, 2020 "Kazakhstan in a new reality: time for action", specifying a revision of the current thresholds of attracting businesses to criminal liability for tax violations.

During the meeting, Erlan Dosymbekov presented foreign side proposals on decriminalization of tax offenses, and improvement of the customs legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on determination of the customs value of exported crude.

The meeting was attended by representatives of General Prosecutor’s Office of the RoKFinancial Monitoring Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the RoK, Ministry of National Economy of the RoK, NCE Atameken and foreign side member companies of the working group EY and Shell.
