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The Plenary Session of the Foreign Investors' Council is an annual summit which is taking place under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and with participation of foreign side and Kazakh side of the Council.

Since the establishment of the Council there have been held 34 Plenary Sessions to discuss a wide range of issues including improvement of the legal environment for foreign investment in the country, the judicial system of Kazakhstan, optimization of tax administration system, foreign labour importation, enhancement of the investment climate of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other issues of importance to the foreign investors.

Starting from the 12th Plenary Session of the Council, the main topic of Plenary Session has been affirmed in addition to general issues of investment activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Along with that, annually the Interim Session is taking place under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Based on the results of the Plenary and Interim Sessions of the Council, protocol decisions are adopted with instructions and country's investment climate improvement recommendations from foreign members of the Council.

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