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09 April 2018
KFICA Governing Board members met with the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, Bakhytzhan Sagintayev

The issues on investment policy implementation, investment attractiveness enhancement and business climate improvement were discussed at the meeting. KFICA members shared their views on development of human capital, innovative technologies and breakthrough industries.

For reference: Kazakhstan Foreign Investors’ Council Association was established at the initiative of foreign members of the Foreign Investors’ Council chaired by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (FIC) as the official Secretariat representing the FIC’s foreign members.

KFICA provides ongoing logistical, coordinating, informational and technical support to the foreign members of FIC.KFICA staff plan and organize in cooperation with the Committee on Investments and other government counterparts FIC Plenary and Interim Sessions with participation of the President of Kazakhstan. KFICA coordinates regular meetings and activities of the five joint FIC Working Groups (foreign side and joint meetings, seminars, roundtables, conferences, etc.

