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18 December 2019
FIC EWG third focus group meeting on ecocode
A third focus group meeting of the Working Group on issues of Energy, Ecology and Oil&Gas Industry of the Foreign Investors’ Council chaired by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held today under the chairmanship of Mr. Nicolo Aggogeri, working group's Co-Chair from foreign side, Managing Director and Resident Manager, Agip Caspian Caspian Sea BV, and Mr.  Ruslan Dalenov, Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan to discuss issues on Eco-code.

The meeting was attended by the foreign members of FIC, in particular, representatives of Agip Caspian Sea BV, Agip Karachaganak BV, Chevron Munaigas, CNPC, ExxonMobil, КРО, NCOC, Shell, Total.